Channels strategy and development

Intranet become a dumping ground? Scared of social media? There are more tools than ever at your disposal. We’ll help you choose the right ones.

The newsletters destined for landfill. The emails deleted before they’re read. The intranet where messages go to die.

We’ve seen them all before at Water Cooler. But choose the right channels — and use them effectively — and you’ll stop wasting time and money on things that don’t work.

We’ll start by looking at your organisation. Because reaching ten thousand employees dotted over three continents is a whole different ballgame from reaching two hundred people in a young start-up.

We’ll also look at your company’s culture and where you are now. Are you sweating over stuff that goes straight in the bin? Is your exec team locked away behind closed doors? Are people scared of letting employees loose on social media? (Guess what? They’re on it anyway, so you may as well be part of the conversation.)

Wherever you’re at, we’ll help you find the most effective way of talking to today’s employees. And we’ll help you manage the risk of trying something new (we guarantee it’s lower than you think). We’ll help you:

  • Choose the channels that chime most with your people

  • Get more out of existing channels – or ditch the ones that aren’t working

  • Update a tired old intranet that no one ever reads

  • Take your first steps into social media

  • Organise conferences, meetings and events that get people talking

  • Create videos if face-to-face is just too expensive or tricky

  • Assess the impact of traditional channels like newsletters and emails

  • Measure the effectiveness of whatever channels you choose

  • Build a case for investing that persuades senior leaders to try something new