
Are your employees listening? Do they like what they hear? Are you spending your comms budget on the right things? We’ll help you find out.

George Bernard Shaw once said the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it’s taken place.

He could have been talking about old-school internal communication, where success was measured by the number of emails you sent out in a month.

These days, justifying your communication budget to your leadership team isn’t about showing what you’ve done. It’s about showing what impact you’ve had.

In other words, it’s less about you and more about your audience.

We’ll help you find out what employees make of your communication. Do people like what you’re saying? Do they believe it? Do they believe in it? Are they even hearing it?

Where are they getting their information? Where are they not getting it? Do they feel their voice is heard?

Knowing these things builds the foundation for a successful communication plan. It might involve surveys, focus groups or executive interviews. Or something as simple as being able to count the number of “Likes” for an executive’s blog post.

Whatever you do, measurement will help you spend time and money on the things that make a difference to the business. We’ll help you:

  • Find out where you are now – and where you need to get to

  • Know what to measure – and how to measure it

  • Gain an idea of what employees know, what their leaders need them to know and what the difference is

  • Tie your communication more closely to the business strategy

  • Discover which channels to improve, add or simply ditch

  • Make measurement habitual – so you always track what works (and what doesn’t)

  • Justify your budget to leaders – and win buy-in for further investment